CSYL- YBCO Levitation Disk
  • CSYL- YBCO Levitation Disk
  • CSYL- YBCO Levitation Disk

CSYL-28 YBCO Levitation Disk

€ 330.00
28 mm
10 mm
Levitation force:
70 N
Melt-textured REBa2Cu3O7-x with RE2BaCuO5 excess

Superconducting single domain YBaCuO levitation disk with ability to trap magnetic field. The disk exhibits considerable levitation force. The disk can be used (in combination with strong permanent magnets) in self-stabilizing frictionless magnetic bearing of very low friction. These disks can also be used for levitating train models.

Note: Other shapes can also be cut from the basic bulk. Please contact us for details.

More details and information about our entire range of REBCO bulks + a detailed datasheet.

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